#undomesticated equines
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danielsnackson · 11 months ago
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I was inspired by (and got the base image from) @dailystargatebooty
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mitochondriaandbunnies · 4 months ago
I'm sorry but I do in the depths of my heart ship Jack and Teal'c; I realize this is Stargate Heresy
I mostly ship the entire team as an awkward poly situation but if I had to pick two it would be those two. I mean. We have an episode where Teal'c tells Jack that wild horses couldn't pull him from Jack followed immediately by an episode where Jack is like "the most important thing is to go save Teal'c's kid I don't care that it's a trap".... and then we find out that Teal'c's wife remarried while he was gone
Come on. Two divorced gritty hardened military men with trauma related to their children? Let them comfort each other.
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deadheaddaisy · 10 months ago
"Things will not calm down, Daniel Jackson. They will in fact calm up."
My first digital painting of Teal’c.
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jgem87 · 1 year ago
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agent-troi · 4 months ago
“undomesticated equines could not keep me away” ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️
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cotter-pin · 4 months ago
November 7th 2024
Spoilers for stargate sg-1 season 2 ep 7
i'm loving this episode so far especially when teal'c doesn't understand the term "booby trap" and says in confusion "booby?"
Bro jack gets hurt and immediately calls to teal'c to kill it, and the way he touches to teal'c is just chef's kisses
Its funny when everyone is trying to think of a way to remove the thing inside jack but jacks in so much in pain he's like "where the hell is teal'c" (he trusts him to immediately to remove it) and yells his name when he see's teal'c
i love how teal'c is like annoyed with the process of removing the poll from jack because its so slow but he can't do anything
omgosh teal'c is keeping watch of jack
aww jack feels bad that teal'c is with him
I was so confused when teal'c said "undomesticated equines could not remove me" I thought he meant to say he would never move even if it was an order or something. But when I searched up the term it referred to horses. Then jack said "you told a joke" then sincerely whispered "Don't make me laugh, please" (probably because it hurts)
bruh they hit us with a "your a great friend" line (there so gay for each other)
okay I know this is a sad episode for jack but out of topic, this ep has a lot of Sam and Daniel moments for their friendship which is cute
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hooded-and-cloaked · 7 months ago
Oh no I just watched Teal'c tell O'Neill that "undomesticated equines" couldn't make him leave, and now I ship it.
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rjzimmerman · 4 months ago
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Excerpt from the National Wildlife Federation Blog:
Like many Americans tend to do during the summer, I made sure to hit the beach a few times. As a Marylander, there’s only so many times you can visit Ocean City. I love the boardwalk, but wanted to see something new and different. The chance of spotting a wild horse on Assateague Island was exciting! I was able to see a few brown and spotted horses grazing, unbothered, along the side of the road leading into the park. I even saw a group of them pilfering a family’s lunch on the beach. Yikes! 
Which led me to ponder a few questions: how DID these undomesticated equines randomly get deposited here, in Maryland of all places? Are these horses considered true wildlife? Are wild horses considered native or an invasive species? Are there other wild horse populations in America? Can you hop up and ride the horses at Assateague? (Absolutely not. They WILL bite or kick you, as noted on signs all around the park.)
A quick search reveals that the horses at Assateague Island are thought to be the descendants of horses that survived a shipwreck off the coast of Virginia in the olden times. 
The more likely explanation is that mainlanders seeking to evade taxation and ownership laws brought their domesticated horses to barrier islands like Assateague and the neighboring Chincoteague Island, and the remaining feral horse populations are their descendants. Personally, I like the shipwreck story more.
These horses (true horses, not ponies) have adapted to unusual conditions on their island and are very tough for it. They withstand temperature extremes: summer island heat can be intense, not to mention the mosquitoes, and they form thick coats in the winter to stave off the cold winds and storms. 
Assateague horses feed primarily on nutrient-poor marsh and dune grasses, whereas domesticated horses enjoy a more varied diet including fruit and grains. To combat their high-salt diet, they drink around twice the amount of water of domesticated horses—this combination results in a rotund, bloated appearance.
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autistic-crypt1d · 5 months ago
Season 2 SG-1 Live Blogging:
Off to a thrilling start with the team trying to stop a galactic assault on Earth by the Goa'uld!
- Sam biting Jack's hand will never stop being hilarious
- Goa'uld busters... I hate that that's kinda funny
- Bra'tac!!! Fuck yeah!!
- ah yes leave the archeologist who barely knows how to use a gun alone to watch your back
- Daniel 😭 I hate watching him get hurt
- seriously? They didn't bother to keep the hole in the uniform? Does the sarcophagus heal clothes now too? Cuz it certainly didn't when Jack was taken by Baal as far as I remember
- let's go Daniel!!!
- the reunion of the team AHHHHH
- In The Line of Duty
- oh shit this episode
- Daniel's reaction to being used as a human shield is so funny "oh geez", the way he says it so softly too XD
- why do I recognize the nurse dude
- Daniel sitting on the bed with her :(
- Prisoners
- oh boy
- I wish we got to know more about The Taldor after this
- "if you once again try to harm me or my companions, my patience with you will expire" love that guy
- good on Daniel for questioning why Linea is there
- "the things I do for these people" for real dude, Hammond goes through the wringer for his 4 kids
- "and this just came to you?" "No this came to me while I was suffocating" PFFFFT
- Daniel's little fuckin point for the team to get food first is so funny, he's so goofy y'all
- I wonder why nothing ever came of her studying the root sample, even without the activators, surely she would've learned something useful
- the marks on Jack's neck :(
- Gamekeeper
- oh hell I hate this episode 😭
- why is there duct tape on the guns and John's knife?
- oh god Daniel's one AHHHHH
- I want to strangle the keeper so badly
- "Daniel! With me!" Ah yes, the archeologist as your backup instead of the 2 highly skilled soldiers XD
- Need
- ugh, skip
- Thor's Chariot
- ooooo this one!!!
- the way they don't just forget about the whole Jolinar thing and incorporate it into the show multiple times is so cool
- THOR!!!!! MY GUY!!!
- god the Asgard are so cool
- Message in a Bottle
- oh boy this one is INTENSE
- "you think it might be a booby trap?" "Booby?" PFFFFT
- those two have no personal space with eachother
- ah Daniel, sticking his foot in his mouth once again
- I know I've said it like a million times but I love Teal'c and Jack so much. One of them needs something and the other one is already doing it istg
- "undomesticated equines could not drag me away"
- seeing Jack on the verge of sobbing is heartbreaking omfg
- yeah Daniel you get that axe!!
- the Simmons side plot in this episode is so random
- Family
- I really hate when this guy comes back from the dead
- I've always wondered, why do some Jaffa have the metal marking like Teal'c while others have the black tattoo?
- this episode makes me so sad for Teal'c :(
- "but we are with father?" "Yes" "then to me, we are home" AHHHHHH
- Secrets
- oh boy this episode
- "General, Captain, General, waiter" Jack is so sassy I love him
- god Jacob really fuckin irks me sometimes ya know? That whole pushy dad who doesn't really get boundaries thing? Hate it
- Daniel making sure the decision is entirely Sha're's AHHHHH
- what the hell kind of father tells his daughter he's dying and his final wish is for her to completely change her life for him and when she says no, he storms off in a huff like a damn child
- the way Daniel is so excited when he says it's a boy, and then the second time realizing what that means AHHHH
- Jack's expression OUCHYYYY
- Bane
- ah hell this episode stresses me TF out y'all
- "we gotta get outta here" "No, really?" "No. Really."
- poor Teal'c :(
- despite the chaos that ensues in this episode, I feel like they really should've figured out some good protective armor or sent a robot back to investigate the society more. They were obviously advanced, there was probably so much stuff they could've learned from them
- "General, request permission to beat the crap out of this man"
- "I'm not gonna hit you Mayborne, I'm gonna shoot you"
- it really sucks that Teal'c first real experience on the surface is during this shit
- this kid rules but also like, don't talk to strangers dude
- god I love the goofy ass relationship between Teal'c and Daniel
- The Tok'ra, Part 1
- see, Jacob being unfairly fuckin dickish to Sam once again
- I always find it so weird that she calls DID, Schizophrenia. Was that just the label they lumped it under at the time or something?
- why is it always Daniel walking in on some alien dude flirting with Sam XD
- The Tok'ra, Part 2
- Spirits
- another alien race I wish we got to know more about!!
- poor Jack :(
- pffft Jack's reaction
- "are you, you?" "Yeah, you?" "What? "Nevermind."
- Tonané is so awesome
- Touchstone
- "in my culture, it is well within my rights to dismember you" GOLD
- Jack in a backwards hat, AHH
- I'm sorry but Daniel being in a tactical situation wearing that damn floppy archeologist hat is so funny XD
- why is this making me a little emotional
- The Fifth Race
- oh boy
- I love the boxing scene so much XD
- this is honestly one of my favorite episodes
- pffft Teal'c casually restraining Jack
- "I can't leave him like this, and I won't" AHHHHHHHHH
- y'all I STILL get chills during this whole section
- "Chevron 8, is locked." AHHHHH!!!!
- little grey guys!!!
- god I love this scene
- now see, why do we never seen the Asgard use that hand thing again? Wtf is that?
- "you have already taken the first steps to becoming, the fifth race" AHHHHH
- A Matter of Time
- this is absolutely also one of my favorite episodes
- Major Davis!!! He is absolutely one of my favorite recurring side characters
- I love Janet for slapping tf outta that dude's gun XD
- where did the General get his blues from? He didn't go up the elevator with them on, at least not the jacket and hat
- "Captain, relativity gives me a headache" pffft
- the angst between Jack and Cromwell is so good
- the vortex is so cool ahhhhhhh
- I'm sad Daniel isn't in this episode :(
- yikes, that iris collapsing cgi was bot the best XD
- :(
- all I can imagine is how hard he must have slammed into the wall with the combination of the blast force and the gravity returning to normal, dropping him
- Daniel!!
- Holiday
- Serpent's Song
- I don't really feel like watching this one tbh
- god damn Teal'c is fast!!
- I always forget how much Simmons was in the show this early on instead of Walter. I wonder what prompted the switch
- Sokar is such a cool villain concept, the original Satan. Sucks he ended up being so lame after this
- serious, willing to kill Daniel is something else y'all
- it must be something else to be in the position Teal'c is right now. After spending your life serving what you thought for a long time was a god, turning on that god, and dedicating the rest of your life to defeating him and the others, now he is watching over that same man lying in a bed dying. He's entirely at the mercy if his captors, powerless, I can't imagine how that must feel for him to witness.
- I can't imagine how good it must feel for Teal'c to get all this out
- the hot iris looks so damn cool
- One False Step
- oh this one!
- pfffft Sam slapping Daniel's shoulder
- I both love and dislike this episode
- Daniel interacting with these dudes is one of the funniest things in this show
- "I am not fond of this"
- Daniel just plopping down on the ground with them is so cute
- god this is such a good Daniel episode
- PFFFFT the way the dude just flops
- "this, this is nothing to worry about" *alien collapses* "of course I could be wrong"
- the way they're just tapping the collapsed ones 😭
- Sam tapping its arm to try and comfort it AHHHHH SO PRECIOUS
- I'm sad I had a bunch of stuff written after this and it didn't save for some reason :(
- Show and Tell
- this episode is so sad :(
- idk why Mother just stood in the room with the other 2 Reetou, or why the kid didn't tell anyone
- 1969
- idk, it's a good episode but I never really like rewatching it so I'm skipping for now
- Out of Hand
- oh dang it's this one
- they really did 2 time jump episodes back to back? I know this one is fake, but that feels like some bad timing. Surely they were all thinking, again? We just did this
- this is another flashback episode for the first like half so I'm gonna fast forward
- more than half!
- omg Daniel's first haircuttttt
- Teal'c's loyalty to SG-1 😭
- the flashbacks after he escapes are done much cooler
- ugh, Hathor
Season 3
(Link will be added once it's posted)
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ms-katalee-flavour · 1 year ago
Undomesticated equines...
You know how the word "feline" refers to cats, and "canine" refers to dogs? There are a whole bunch more animal adjectives, and here are some of them:
equine -> horses
bovine -> cows
murine -> mice/rats
porcupine -> porcupines
wolverine -> wolves
marine -> marmosets
saline -> salmonella
cosine -> cosmonauts
citrine -> citrus
combine -> combs
famine -> your fam
bromine -> your bros
palpatine -> your pals
alpine -> alps
christine -> christ
asinine -> asses
machine -> the speed of sound
landmine -> explosions
migraine -> migrants
trampoline -> tramps
dopamine -> dopes
medicine -> the Medici family
praline -> prey
masculine -> mascara
feminine -> femurs
latrine -> latissimus dorsi
fettuccine -> fetuses
poutine -> sadness
turbine -> turbans
engine -> england
supine -> soup
valentine -> valence electrons
Follow for more nature facts!
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spockvarietyhour · 7 years ago
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jgem87 · 1 year ago
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hostilepoet17 · 4 years ago
Teal'c & Sam | Good Things Come to Those Who Wait.
"I don't know how good I'm going to be at this, but um…I guess the important thing is just to be there for you."
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paperclips37 · 6 months ago
Undomesticated equines could not tear me away
Okay, so, just wondering, is the Stargate Fandom still a thing? SG-1 is my favorite show, and I was just wondering if there were still Gaters out there.
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All SG teams report! I want to know you're still out there!
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three-knuckles-deep-blog · 8 years ago
“Undomesticated equines could not keep me away.” - Teal'c to Colonel Samantha Carter
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Iconic Stargate SG-1
Undomesticated equines
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